To obtain a Sales Associate position with XXX Shop utilizing a decade of sales experience and excellence in customer orientation to ensure recurring business and customer satisfaction.
(通常業務と顧客満足度を高められる長年の経験と顧客志向を活かせるXXX Shopでの販売職を志望)
Committed and results-oriented individual seeking a position as a Sales Associate with XXX Mart. Bringing profound knowledge of retail sales strategies and exceptional customer interaction skills in order to bring new business and retain customer’s loyalty.
(献身的で結果志向の個人がXXX Martでの販売職をもとめる。新しいビジネスを行うための小売販売の戦略を立てる知識や顧客のロイアリティを高めるための優れた顧客対応スキルを持っている。)
A position of Sales Associate with XXX Shop where I may use my sales enthusiasm and strong communication skills to assist in realizing the company’s sales goals.
(会社の売り上げ目標を達成するための熱意や優れたコミュニケーションスキルを持っており、それを活かせるXXX Shopでの販売職)
To work for XXX Mart as a Sales Associate. Offering three years’ dedicated sales experience in a retail environment along with excellent customer service acumen to meet and exceed the assigned targets.
(XXX Martでの販売職として働くこと。3年間の小売りでの営業経験があり、対面での顧客サービスの洞察力や与えられた目標を上回る能力がある。)
・3+ years’ extensive experience in the retail sales
・Highly skilled in achieving store sales goals in a team-selling environment
・In depth knowledge of building exceptional customer experiences through attitude and service
・Able to keep track of repeated customers, their likes and dislikes and their contact information
・Highly skilled in greeting guests with a gracious smile and offering them to help with their shopping needs
・Proven ability to suggest, choose, and help locate products based on guest needs and desires
・able to guide customers from the beginning to end of their sales journey
Work Experience/Experience(職歴)
・Assisted customers with product selection and queries
・Investigated and resolved customer complaints
・Set up store displays
・Operated cash register as and when necessary
・Managed shelf stocking and pricing activities
・Handled inventory and stocks
・Reviewed merchandize movement
・Inspected merchandize for quality and quantity
Contact Info|Objective|Skills/Profile|Work Experience|Education|Visa Status